Keep me logged in

This feature lets you login automatically using cookies. "You can access member-only functions on "MISUMI" /"WOS (Web Ordering System)" without having to enter your UserName and Password each time. If you experience any problems with this feature, please check to see if cookies are enabled in your browser preferences.

Services Available under "Keep me logged in"

After selecting "Keep me logged in", you will have access to:
- Viewing shopping cart
- Viewing "MyPage" and product list
- Download CAD
- Quote/Order History

Please note that certain services such as Request a Quote and Ordering , require that you to re-enter your UserName and Password for security reasons.

  • * You will be required to re-enter your UserName and Password if your session has elapsed approximately 120 minutes without any activities.
  • * If the cookies are disabled, you can not save your Login Status.
