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Ultra Heavy Load Linear Guides - Standard/Wide block.

Ultra Heavy Load Linear Guides - Standard/Wide block.
  • Volume Discount

Linear guide for ultra heavy load. Precision standard grade, with light preload. It has resin retainers without mutual contact between its bearings, which reduce noise during operation at high speeds and provide a smoother movement. Blocks and rails can be purchased separately or in an assembly.

  • inCAD Components


Unit examples related to this product

[ ! ]For L Dimension Configurable Type, G dimensions differ from those shown in the table below. For details, see >> Click here.
 TypeBlockRailL Dimension[ M ]Material
[ H ]Hardness
1 block2 blocks
StandardSHRZSH2RZSHRBSHZLSelectableCarbon Steel
Wide Block
Through Hole
Wide Block
Tapped Hole
Heat Resistant Temperature: 0~50°C


[ ! ]For L Dimension Configurable Type, G dimensions differ from those shown in the table below. For details, see >> Click here.
 Part NumberLBlock DimensionGuide Rail Dimension
TypeHWL1BCSxℓL2KTGrease FittingH1W1W2Counterbored HoleFG
1 block2 blocksMounting HoleET1d1xd2xh
Wide BlockSHWZ

[ ! ]Sxℓ Dimensions: Dimensions in ( ) are for Wide Block Type Tapped Hole.


 TypeBlockRailL Dimension[ M ]Material
[ H ]Hardness
1 block2 blocks
StandardSHRZSH2RZSHRBSHZLSelectableCarbon Steel
Wide Block
Through Hole
Wide Block
Tapped Hole
Heat Resistant Temperature: 0~50°C
Part Number-L
■Precautions for Use
[ ! ]Blocks are equipped with retainers (wire) to prevent balls from derailing. For blocks >> Click here
[ ! ]For Interchangeable, Light Preload Type, rails and blocks can be interchanged.
[ ! ]Straight grooves are provided on datum planes. Be sure to match the datum lines when using.
[ ! ]Rails cannot be connected end to end.
[ ! ]Running parallelism is the value measured after the rail is mounted (it is not the value measured before the rails are fastened with screws.).
· Filled with Lithium soap based grease (Alvania Grease S2 by Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K).
· Angled Grease Fitting Type
· Grease Fitting is screw-in type, and thus, can be repositioned.
· For Operating Life Calculation >> Click here

Price list

HLUnit Price
1 block2 blocksRailBlock
3022013,250 13,520 13,650 20,690 21,110 21,320 5,810 7,720 8,020 8,120
28014,500 14,790 14,940 21,940 22,380 22,610 7,060
34015,740 16,060 16,220 23,190 23,660 23,900 8,300
40016,990 17,330 17,510 24,430 24,920 25,180 9,550
46018,240 18,610 18,800 25,680 26,200 26,470 10,800
52019,480 19,870 20,080 26,920 27,460 27,750 12,040
58020,730 21,150 21,370 28,170 28,740 29,040 13,290
64021,980 22,420 22,650 29,420 30,020 30,320 14,530
70023,220 23,690 23,930 30,660 31,280 31,600 15,780
76024,470 24,960 25,220 31,910 32,560 32,890 17,030
82025,710 26,230 26,500 33,160 33,830 34,180 18,270
88026,960 27,510 27,790 34,400 35,100 35,460 19,520
94028,210 28,780 29,080 35,650 36,370 36,750 20,760
100029,450 30,050 30,360 36,900 37,650 38,040 22,010
106030,700 31,320 31,640 38,140 38,910 39,310 23,260
112031,940 32,590 32,920 39,390 40,190 40,600 24,500
118033,190 33,860 34,210 40,630 41,450 41,880 25,750
124034,440 35,140 35,500 41,880 42,730 43,170 27,000
130035,680 36,400 36,780 43,120 44,000 44,450 28,240
136036,930 37,680 38,070 44,370 45,270 45,740 29,490
142038,180 38,950 39,360 45,620 46,550 47,030 30,730
148039,420 40,220 40,630 46,860 47,810 48,300 31,980
154040,670 41,500 41,920 48,110 49,090 49,590 33,230
160041,910 42,760 43,200 49,360 50,360 50,880 34,470
166043,160 44,040 44,490 50,600 51,630 52,160 35,720
172044,410 45,310 45,780 51,850 52,900 53,450 36,960
178045,650 46,580 47,060 53,100 54,180 54,740 38,210
184046,900 47,850 48,350 54,340 55,440 56,020 39,460
190048,140 49,120 49,620 55,590 56,720 57,300 40,700
196049,390 50,390 50,910 56,830 57,980 58,580 41,950
3622015,400 15,710 15,870 24,910 25,410 25,680 5,900 9,870 10,380 10,770
28016,670 17,010 17,180 26,170 26,700 26,970 7,160
34017,930 18,290 18,480 27,440 28,000 28,280 8,430
40019,200 19,590 19,790 28,700 29,280 29,580 9,690
46020,460 20,870 21,090 29,970 30,580 30,890 10,960
52021,730 22,170 22,400 31,230 31,860 32,190 12,220
58022,990 23,450 23,700 32,500 33,160 33,500 13,490
64024,260 24,750 25,010 33,760 34,440 34,800 14,750
70025,520 26,040 26,300 35,030 35,740 36,110 16,020
76026,790 27,330 27,610 36,290 37,030 37,410 17,280
82028,050 28,620 28,910 37,560 38,320 38,720 18,550
88029,320 29,910 30,220 38,820 39,610 40,020 19,810
94030,580 31,200 31,520 40,090 40,900 41,320 21,080
100031,850 32,500 32,830 41,350 42,190 42,620 22,340
106033,110 33,780 34,130 42,620 43,480 43,930 23,600
112034,380 35,080 35,440 43,880 44,770 45,230 24,870
118035,640 36,360 36,740 45,150 46,070 46,540 26,130
124036,900 37,650 38,040 46,410 47,350 47,840 27,400
130038,170 38,940 39,350 47,680 48,650 49,150 28,660
136039,430 40,230 40,640 48,940 49,930 50,450 29,930
142040,700 41,530 41,950 50,210 51,230 51,760 31,190
148041,960 42,810 43,250 51,470 52,520 53,060 32,460
154043,230 44,110 44,560 52,740 53,810 54,370 33,720
160044,490 45,390 45,860 54,000 55,100 55,670 34,990
166045,760 46,690 47,170 55,270 56,390 56,970 36,250
172047,020 47,970 48,470 56,530 57,680 58,270 37,520
178048,290 49,270 49,780 57,800 58,970 59,580 38,780
184049,550 50,560 51,080 59,060 60,260 60,880 40,050
190050,820 51,850 52,390 60,320 61,550 62,180 41,310
196052,080 53,140 53,690 61,590 62,840 63,490 42,580
4228019,050 19,430 19,630 30,340 30,950 31,270 7,750 11,730 12,390 12,430
36020,770 21,190 21,410 32,070 32,720 33,060 9,470
44022,490 22,940 23,180 33,790 34,470 34,830 11,190
52024,210 24,700 24,950 35,510 36,230 36,600 12,910
60025,940 26,460 26,740 37,240 38,000 38,390 14,640
68027,660 28,220 28,510 38,960 39,750 40,160 16,360
76029,380 29,970 30,280 40,680 41,510 41,930 18,080
84031,100 31,730 32,060 42,400 43,260 43,710 19,810
92032,830 33,500 33,840 44,130 45,030 45,490 21,530
100034,550 35,250 35,610 45,850 46,780 47,260 23,250
108036,270 37,010 37,390 47,570 48,540 49,040 24,970
116038,000 38,770 39,170 49,290 50,290 50,810 26,700
124039,720 40,530 40,940 51,020 52,060 52,590 28,420
132041,440 42,280 42,720 52,740 53,810 54,370 30,140
140043,160 44,040 44,490 54,460 55,570 56,140 31,860
148044,890 45,800 46,270 56,190 57,330 57,920 33,590
156046,610 47,560 48,050 57,910 59,090 59,700 35,310
164048,330 49,310 49,820 59,630 60,840 61,470 37,030
172050,050 51,070 51,590 61,350 62,600 63,240 38,760
180051,780 52,830 53,380 63,080 64,360 65,030 40,480
188053,500 54,590 55,150 64,800 66,120 66,800 42,200
196055,220 56,340 56,920 66,520 67,870 68,570 43,920

HUnit Price
1 block

HUnit Price
2 blocksRails
Volume Discount Rate ([ ! ]Round down to nearest one cent.) P.89
Quantity1~45~910~1920 or More
Discount RateUnit PriceUnit Price5%12%
Days to ShipStandard5 additional daysTo Be Quoted


More Information

see >> Click here

Linear Guide Clamps >> Click here
Rail Height Adjusting Blocks >> Click here, Click here
■Stopper Bolts >> Click here
■Block Stopper Plates >> Click here
■Rail Mounting Hole Caps >> Click here
■Rail Push Plates >> Click here
■Linear Locks >> Click here
■Linear Guide Lock Units >> Click here

Technical Information

Characteristics of Linear Guides

  • Linear guides utilize steel balls that roll on ground raceways, and the balls are recirculated using plastic return caps.
  • End seals prevent foreign materials from entering into the blocks.
  • Load ratings are the same for all four directions (radial, reverse-radial, and lateral directions). Can be used in any orientation.

Preload (Radial Clearance)

Type of guidePreloadHeight
H Dimension
Clearance (µm)
Linear guide medium/heavy loadNormal clearance24-4 ~ +2
28-5 ~ +2
33-6 ~ +3
Light preload24,28-4 ~ 0
30 ~ 42-5 ~ 0
42*-7 ~ 0

* marked size is for Ultra Heavy / Extra Super Heavy Load

  • Clearance and preload of MISUMI Linear Guides are controlled with minute ball size adjustments.
  • Increased rigidity and reduced elastic deformation will result by preloading (negative clearance).
  • In general, selecting some preloads would have a positive effect on the accuracy and service life of the Linear Guides.
  • Blocks and rails manufactured by MIUSMI guarantee their own radial clearance (preload) and accuracy as sets of blocks and rails. Be sure to use the blocks and rails in sets.

Types of Greases

The following types of greases are used in MISUMI linear guides.

GreaseLinear GuideGrease ModelFeatures
StandardMiniatureMultemp Grease PS2 (Manufactured by Kyodo Yushi)Grease with excellent low temperature and low torque properties.
Miniature with MX lubrication unitTufflix MP2 (Manufactured by JX Nippon Oil & Energy)Reduces temperature rise in the bearing area; extends bearing life and reduces grease replenishment interval and maintenance work.
Medium Load
Heavy Load
Albania Grease S2 (Manufactured by Showa Shell Sekiyu)It has excellent lubrication and shows excellent performance under normal and heavy load conditions.
Type LMiniature/Medium/Heavy LoadET-100K (Manufactured by Kyodo Yushi)It has excellent heat resistance, oxidation stability, adhesion and tackiness.
It is also a low dispersion, low leakage grease.
Type GLG2 (Manufactured by NSK Ltd.)It produces little dust and has excellent wear resistance and rust resistance properties.


The grease forms an oil film on the steel balls and on the slideways of the linear guide, reducing friction.

Loss and deterioration of the grease will greatly affect the service life of the linear guide, so it must be lubricated on time depending on the conditions of use.

MISUMI linear guides are lubricated with standard grease at the time of shipment, so they can be used as is.

Recommended lubrication intervals

Lubricate every 6 months. If linear guide is used for long distances, it is recommended to lubricate every 3 months, or if it is used more than 1000 km in a period, we recommend every 1000 km.

*The above is the distance-based lubrication interval. If the grease deteriorates or is heavily contaminated due to the operating environment, it may be necessary to shorten the lubrication interval.

By using a lubrication unit, it is possible to extend the lubrication interval considerably.

Permissible loads

HBasic Load RatingAllowable Static MomentMass
C (Dynamic)
Co (Static)
Block kgGuide Rails
4231.0 (35.5)51.5 (63.0)356 (540)305 (450)490 (600)0.69 (1.20)1.205.2

! Values in () are for wide blocks (with through and threaded holes).

kgf = N ・ 0.101972

kgf = kilograms force, N = Newton

Support Information

Shelf Life Information

For more information about the calculation of useful life, click here.

Mounting Hole Information

For more information about mounting holes and G-value, click here.

Installation Information

For more information about the installation click here.


If the linear guides are handled incorrectly, the quality may deteriorate. When using MISUMI linear guides, consider the following points:

Be careful when removing the blocks

MISUMI linear guidesare equipped with a retainer, so that the balls will not fall out even if the block is removed from the rail. However, if the block is removed from the rail at high speed or inserted at an angle, the balls may fall out. Be careful when removing and installing the blocks.

Blocks and rails not sold separately

Linear guides MISUMI are only sold as a block and rail assembly. For resin retainer type only, blocks and rails can be purchased separately.

Please do not replace with another product

The radial clearance and accuracy of MISUMI linear guides are guaranteed as a block and rail assembly, so the accuracy is not guaranteed when combined with another product.

Please check the reference surface before installation.

Linear guides have reference planes on both the rail and the block (the side with a straight groove is provided). When installing the linear guide, correctly align this reference surface with the mounting reference surface of the table and base and secure it. For more details, refer to"Installation" in "Support Information".

Please do not add rails

MISUMI linear guides are shipped with chamfered edges on the end of the rail. The use of additional rails is not covered under warranty.

Secure all rail mounting holes.

The rail curvature is corrected with all mounting holes clamped. Accuracy is guaranteed under these conditions.

Part Number 

CAD Data download and 3D preview are not available because the part number has not yet been determined.

  • *In order to open the CAD Data download and 3D preview screen, the part number must be fixed.
  • Please confirm the part number from "Specification / Dimension"on the left side, and then perform the CAD Data Download / 3D Preview operation.
Part Number
Part NumberMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountDays to Ship RoHSSet / Single Item Block Type Rail Type Rail Width W1
Unit Height H
No. of Blocks Rail Length L
Nominal Part Number Ball Arrangement Retainer Rolling Element Basic Load Rating: Dynamic Load
Basic Load Rating: Static Load
Allowable Static Moment MA
Allowable Static Moment MB
Allowable Static Moment MC
Lubrication Type L Dimension Type Block Hole Type
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard20302221 ~ 195920Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard23362221 ~ 195925Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard28422281 ~ 195930Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3100051500356305490Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard20302220 ~ 196020Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard23362220 ~ 196025Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard28422280 ~ 196030Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3100051500356305490Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard20302221 ~ 195920Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard23362221 ~ 195925Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard28422281 ~ 195930Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3550063000540450600Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard20302220 ~ 196020Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard23362220 ~ 196025Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard28422280 ~ 196030Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3550063000540450600Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard20301221 ~ 195920Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard23361221 ~ 195925Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard28421281 ~ 195930Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3100051500356305490Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard20301220 ~ 196020Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard23361220 ~ 196025Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Standard] Standard BlockStandard28421280 ~ 196030Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3100051500356305490Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard Type-
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard20301221 ~ 195920Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard23361221 ~ 195925Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard28421281 ~ 195930Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3550063000540450600Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Configurable TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard20301220 ~ 196020Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall1630029600167141199Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard23361220 ~ 196025Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall2240037500246207295Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard TypeTapped
1 Piece(s)

10 Days or more

10Set[Wide] Wide Block-Tapped HolesStandard28421280 ~ 196030Medium, Heavy Load Type with Plastic RetainersAvailableBall3550063000540450600Lithium Base Grease (Standard)Standard TypeTapped


  1. 1

Basic Information

Material Carbon Steel Preload Light Preload-Interchangeable

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

質問: Are the block's ball bearings retained?
回答: Yes, all ball bearings are retained on Misumi linear guides.

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MISUMI Unit Example related to this product

Tech Support

Technical Support
Tel:+52-442-672-7661 ext. 2 then wait and dial 4
E-mail: soportetecnico@misumimex.com
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.