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Grinding, Cutting & Polishing Disks(Work Material:Stainless Steel)

Days to Ship
  • All
  • Same day
  • 6 Days or Less
  • 7 Days or Less
  • 8 Days or Less
  • 9 Days or Less
  • 10 Days or Less
  • 11 Days or Less
  • 12 Days or Less
  • 13 Days or Less
  • 14 Days or Less
Product Series
Days to Ship
Work Material
Major Diameter(mm)
Inner Diameter Size(mm)
Thickness Dimension(mm)
Particle Size(#)
Abrasive Grain

    PN PS Disk

      Rico Disc, φ100, Zirconia Abrasive Grains

        HN High-Pitch Disk

          Super Tack P-Soft

            Sticon P Soft


                Sisal HG Buffing Disk

                  Polylite Disc S

                    Mild Techno

                      Art Disc

                        Single Action Art Disc

                          SG Sisal Disc, 100 pcs

                            One-Touch Happy Sanding Disc TOP 100xM10

                              SP Disc

                                Techno Disc - TDE-A/TDE-Z

                                  Astra Disk

                                    GP Sander UNILON 100x25xM10

                                      SG Carton Disc, 100 pcs

                                        TOP Disc 100x15

                                          Polylite Disc L

                                            Sanding Flap Wheel - Polishing Supply.

                                              GP Sander Soft Felt 100x25xM10

                                                SG Cool-Top, 100 Pcs

                                                  SG Mirror Surface One Shot Disc, 100 pcs

                                                    Restore Sander 100x15

                                                      Polishing Fabric Disk

                                                        Sco-Light Disc M

                                                          Sco-Light Disc S

                                                            Felt Disc S

                                                              Dual Disk

                                                                SG Yanase TOP, 100 pcs

                                                                  Grinding Disc - Sand Paper, PFD4-14

                                                                    B-Top 100x15

                                                                      Uni Top 15 Type 100x15

                                                                        Silver Disk for General Polishing

                                                                          See-through Die for General Polishing

                                                                            Rico Magic φ125 with Holes

                                                                              Rico Magic φ125 without Holes

                                                                                RICO Disc φ100, Alundum Abrasive Grain 99-SUSA

                                                                                  Hard Disk 2

                                                                                    Unilon Black, Soft

                                                                                      Uni Top Mini Disc

                                                                                        Happi Sanding Disc TOP

                                                                                          SG Unilon Disc (S/M)

                                                                                            Unilon Disc (S/M)


                                                                                            FUJI STAR


                                                                                            FUJI STAR











































                                                                                            Product Series

                                                                                            PN PS Disk【100 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Rico Disc, φ100, Zirconia Abrasive Grains【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            HN High-Pitch Disk【50 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Super Tack P-Soft【100 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Sticon P Soft【100-200 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Bellstone【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Sisal HG Buffing Disk【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Polylite Disc S【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Mild Techno【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Art Disc【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Single Action Art Disc【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            SG Sisal Disc, 100 pcs

                                                                                            One-Touch Happy Sanding Disc TOP 100xM10【1-20 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            SP Disc

                                                                                            Techno Disc - TDE-A/TDE-Z【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Astra Disk【100 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            GP Sander UNILON 100x25xM10【1-5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            SG Carton Disc, 100 pcs

                                                                                            TOP Disc 100x15【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Polylite Disc L【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Sanding Flap Wheel - Polishing Supply.【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            GP Sander Soft Felt 100x25xM10

                                                                                            SG Cool-Top, 100 Pcs【1-5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            SG Mirror Surface One Shot Disc, 100 pcs

                                                                                            Restore Sander 100x15【1-10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Polishing Fabric Disk【1-150 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Sco-Light Disc M【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Sco-Light Disc S【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Felt Disc S【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Dual Disk【5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            SG Yanase TOP, 100 pcs【1-10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Grinding Disc - Sand Paper, PFD4-14【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            B-Top 100x15

                                                                                            Uni Top 15 Type 100x15【1-10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Silver Disk for General Polishing【10-25 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            See-through Die for General Polishing【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Rico Magic φ125 with Holes【50-100 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Rico Magic φ125 without Holes【100 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            RICO Disc φ100, Alundum Abrasive Grain 99-SUSA【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Hard Disk 2【10 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Unilon Black, Soft

                                                                                            Uni Top Mini Disc【1-5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Happi Sanding Disc TOP【1-20 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            SG Unilon Disc (S/M)【1-5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Unilon Disc (S/M)【1-5 Pieces Per Package】

                                                                                            Days to Ship 12 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 12 Days or more 12 Days or more 14 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 9 Days or more 37 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 7 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more 8 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more 8 Days or more 9 Days or more 10 Days or more 8 Days or more 38 Days or more 47 Days or more 7 Days or more 35 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 8 Days or more 9 Days or more 8 Days or more 7 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more 9 Days or more
                                                                                            ModelSandpaperMultiblade DiscSandpaperSandpaperSandpaperRubber / Hard Urethane DiscCotton / Hemp DiscNonwoven Fiber DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscCotton / Hemp DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscSandpaperNonwoven Fiber DiscCotton / Hemp DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscFelt WheelsMultiblade DiscNonwoven Fiber DiscNonwoven Fiber DiscSandpaperMultiblade DiscNonwoven Fiber DiscFelt WheelsMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscSandpaperMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscSandpaperSandpaperMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscNonwoven Fiber DiscMultiblade DiscMultiblade DiscNonwoven Fiber DiscNonwoven Fiber Disc
                                                                                            Work MaterialStainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[○]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[○/◎]Stainless Steel[◎]Stainless Steel[○/◎]
                                                                                            Major Diameter(mm)1251001251251251009010010010010010010010010012510010010010010010010010010030100100100100 ~ 180100100100100100 ~ 18010012512510010010058100 ~ 180100100
                                                                                            Inner Diameter Size(mm)-15---1515151515M1015M101515-M1015151515M101515151015151515 ~ 221516151515 ~ 2215--15M10151015 ~ 221515
                                                                                            Thickness Dimension(mm)-----5121025-----15-25--151525----151512----------------
                                                                                            Particle Size(#)40 ~ 8008080 ~ 12040 ~ 60040 ~ 60046 ~ 360-80 ~ 100040 ~ 60060 ~ 8060 ~ 80-40 ~ 40040 ~ 40040 ~ 40060 ~ 600120 ~ 1000-40 ~ 18060 ~ 100080 ~ 600-40 ~ 400120 ~ 1000-60 ~ 60060 ~ 400100 ~ 320-40 ~ 32040 ~ 40010040 ~ 12040 ~ 40040 ~ 40040 ~ 8040 ~ 40080 ~ 40032080-40 ~ 40040 ~ 400120 ~ 600120 ~ 600
                                                                                            Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainZ Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain--E Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainGZ Abrasive GrainGZ Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableA Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableNot ApplicableA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainE Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableNot ApplicableA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainA Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain-WA Abrasive Grain / SZ Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainSilicon Carbide Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive Grain / Silicon Carbide Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive Grain--A Abrasive GrainZ Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableA Abrasive GrainA Abrasive Grain / Z Abrasive GrainNot ApplicableNot Applicable


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